Creating your account
In order for you to bid on our auction you would first need to register for an account
To do this you will need to go to our Auction page:
And click 'create account' as shown bellow...

(you already are a member of easylive then you will just need to click 'login')
Once you have clicked the link you will have to fill in your details as necessary and then click 'Create new account'

Once you have Competed your registration it will come up 'View Catalogues'
This will show all the catalogues on Easy live Auction for all Auction houses registered on Easy Live auction not just us. So I recommend closing the web page and reopening our link (or just search for us by scrolling down the search bar)
How to bid on our auctions
How can I register and bid in an auction?
Once you are back on our Easy live Auction page
you will then be able to register for our up and coming auctions. To do this you will need to see our current auctions. This can be done by scrolling down the page or by clicking 'current auctions' as show on the screenshot bellow.

Once you can see our active auctions, there will be a bright green button saying 'register to bid'.
You simply click that and follow the steps (if its the first time you've bidded on an auction they will do an identity check on you) and you will easily be able to place bids on our auctions.

As our catalogue wasn't active at the time of making this guide it currently says 'coming soon' Once the catalogue is active (1 x week before the auction start date) you will be able to see it here.
If you still have questions or still unsure about how to bid please email me on: or view the Easy live auction Help page HERE.